Gameplay from a Gamer Girl

I have spoken on other people’s gameplay and talked about ways to become a better player in some games. Since being in quarantine for six weeks, I think my gameplay has improved tremendously since I spend most of my nights on my Playstation. After this posting goes up, most of time will be spent building my island in Animal Crossing: New Horizon once my new Nintendo Switch Lite comes in. It’s the only thing I’ve been thinking about for the past week.

Tom Nook from Animal Crossing: New Horizon

But back to Playstation. I’ve mentioned several times that Apex Legends and Rainbow Six Siege are the two games I play the most. I love the competitive games and trying to get a win for your squad. Even though my gameplay has improved tremendously, I know I have a ton of room for improvement. I’m not the best player and will never claim to be. Playing games that are high competitively, is extremely humbling. When you start a game you expect it to be easy until you get better at it. That’s certainly not the case with Rainbow.

Rainbow Six Siege is extremely humbling for even some of the best players in the world. One wrong step and you could easily mess up an entire game for your squad. As I mentioned in my last post, the game requires a ton of patience to succeed and you learn that early on. You can’t go in there guns blazing and 9 times out of 10, you will fail miserably. It requires so much strategy, it’s kind of crazy. Here is a clip of me trying to clutch the end of the round being the last one standing. I lose the round but you can see a display of patience and moving around enough just to check my corners. Sadly, I wasn’t quick enough to the snap.

Rainbow Six Siege

When you first start the game, you can only play in a playlist called Newcomer where you’re playing with other newcomers. You have to reach level 50 before moving on. Once you move on, you’re in for a rude awakening. You have to get your feet wet in the game and once you do, it’ll get easier. You’ll know which operators work for you, what weapons you should use and how best to help the squad.

I hope that this post has given you some insight into how I play my games. Like I mentioned, I know I need a lot of work but I don’t stress it because I’m a very leisure player. Of course, I love to win but if I don’t I’m not going to go to bed upset that I lost a match. It’s all for fun and I enjoy my time on there very much. Until next time; be careful, wash your hands, and have another wonderful day in quarantine.

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