Gamer Girl has left the party.

The time has come. The end of my Junior year has come and that means the end of this blog. My entire Junior year has been me skating on thin ice from September to the recent COVID-19 pandemic taking over the world. I want to start off by saying, I didn’t expect to enjoy writingContinue reading “Gamer Girl has left the party.”

Gameplay from a Gamer Girl

I have spoken on other people’s gameplay and talked about ways to become a better player in some games. Since being in quarantine for six weeks, I think my gameplay has improved tremendously since I spend most of my nights on my Playstation. After this posting goes up, most of time will be spent buildingContinue reading “Gameplay from a Gamer Girl”

Tips and Tricks

In my observation, most people think that all video games are the same and that they’re all super easy to play. On the contrary, not all games are the same. There are first person shooters, role-playing, action-adventure, survival and the list could go on. Everyone has their preference when it comes to what genres orContinue reading “Tips and Tricks”

It’s not as easy as it seems.

We all know that battle royales are the new wave in gaming. Kill or be killed as the model usually goes for those types of games. There’s PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds), Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, and my favorite of them all Apex Legends. There are a few more but not as significant as these. FortniteContinue reading “It’s not as easy as it seems.”

Perspectives from a Freshman

Being a senior or a freshman during this pandemic has to be very strange experience. For seniors (high school) they won’t be able to experience Prom or all their hard work in the past twelve years recognized at graduation. For college seniors, all their hard work from the past four years and getting a degreeContinue reading “Perspectives from a Freshman”

“… And We’re LIVE!”

Streaming is something of a staple in the video game community. So is Youtube and creating content around video games. I’ve always wanted to make a Youtube channel around the things I like that is not exclusively dedicated to video games. Maybe one day I’ll get the spark to actually create content. There are someContinue reading ““… And We’re LIVE!””

The Unusual Timing of COVID-19

I never thought that a worldwide pandemic would keep me away from school this semester. The start of my junior year of college started off really rocky and I never thought I would’ve recovered from the sadness and trauma I experienced. Yet, I had high hopes for the spring semester. I was hoping to startContinue reading “The Unusual Timing of COVID-19”

Didn’t see that coming…

How often do you see a woman outside in your personal life that after one glance, you can safely assume “yeah, she plays video games” without a shadow of a doubt? As a matter of fact, how many women do you know personally that indulges in the healthy medium of the video game? Not aContinue reading “Didn’t see that coming…”

Welcome to the Club

In all the years that I have been playing video games, I’m very pleased to have found a few groups of guys that I thoroughly enjoy playing with. They make me feel comfortable, make me laugh at the most stupid, yet hilarious jokes and stories. We constantly roast each other for messing up when theContinue reading “Welcome to the Club”

Girls Can Game Too

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. Everyone just assumes that video games are for men. The industry is geared to cater to men, and most main characters in games are men, but there is a very small group of women, like myself who love video games and play them a lot.Continue reading “Girls Can Game Too”

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